The unveiled truth –– what an irony

Friday, 28 June 2013


To be awestruck by an object, a piece of art, an idea, is an interesting experience, sometimes even an elevating one. Because one's awe, is like a hot iron, or a stamp, it marks the object in question as one's own. Or rather, it consumes, like an amoeba of some sort, everything striking. everything of importance, everything about the object, essentially, that rouses one's awe. And it makes it part of one.
But to be awestruck by a fellow sentient being that is a person, one is abased, one is reduced. Because in being awestruck by another person, one is absorbed by their awe-striking qualities, and rendered into nothingness.
And when identifying what we perceive to be our inferiors, we are displeased, while it is also displeasing to be degraded. Perhaps that is why there will always be a wall of some sort, no matter how thin its membrane.

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